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The articles of the latest issue are already available for download. In this issue, readers will find important contributions on readers will find important contributions on GDPR, project teams, project portfolios, and project management offices


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The journal's acceptance rate for 2023 was 7%. Unfortunately, many submitted papers are desk rejected. So, we kindly ask the author/s to carefully review their articles before submission and strictly follow the journal's guidelines.


75th percentile (Q1)
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    Current issue

  • Five years with the GDPR: an empirical study emphasising information privacy and the consumer
    Wanda Presthus, Kristiania University College, Norway
    Hanne Sørum, Kristiania University College, Norway
    • Consumers’ privacy rights have been enshrined in law, long before information systems and the Internet was brought to life. In 2018, stricter regulations relating to information privacy came into force, named the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Using elements of Roger’s diffusion of innovations theory, we investigated the research question: How has five years of the GDPR influenced consumer’s knowledge, attitude, and practice of their enhanced rights? We draw on empirical data collected in Norway through four online survey questionnaires over five years (N=1293). Quantitative (descriptive statistics) and qualitative analyses (manual cluster text mining) were performed to obtain a state-of-the-art mapping of insights on consumers and their information privacy. Our findings show that the respondents’ answers remained similar over the years, and that the GDPR has not had a significant influence on the consumer. The respondents demonstrated a high degree of knowledge regarding both the regulation and technology, such as cookies. Their attitude was sceptical, as they valued their enhanced rights but questioned the feasibility. Regarding their practice, our findings reveal diversity. Some respondents took careful actions to protect their privacy, while most did not. The present paper should be interesting to both the industry (practitioners) and academia (researchers).


  • Team delivery capability and agility: complementary effects on information systems development project outcomes
    Weidong Xia, Florida International University, USA
    Shekhar Rathor, Sam Houston State University, USA
    Dinesh Batra, Florida International University, USA
    • Contemporary Information systems development (ISD) involves not only implementing a predefined set of requirements but also managing changes that emerge during the development process due to unanticipated business and technical needs. ISD project requirements increasingly become both planned and emergent. ISD teams need delivery capabilities to routinely execute what has been planned, and agile capabilities to sense and respond to changes that emerge during the development project. In other words, ISD teams must effectively manage their abilities to not only routinely deliver software applications that meet defined requirements but also sense and respond to changes emerging during the project. The extant literature has not studied the distinction and relationship between ISD team delivery capability and agility. This study empirically examines the differential effects of ISD team delivery capability and agility on ISD project outcomes. Survey data collected from professionals working on 160 software development projects were used to test the research model and hypotheses. The results suggest that ISD delivery capability positively affects agility, agility positively impacts change-response outcome, and agility mediates the relationship between delivery capability and change-response outcome.


  • Towards a comprehensive framework for risk assessment of organizational development project portfolios
    Camilo Micán, School of Industrial Engineering, Universidad del Valle, Colombia
    Gabriela Fernandes, CEMMPRE, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Coimbra, Portugal
    Madalena Araújo, ALGORITMI, Department of Production and Systems, University of Minho, Portugal
    • The benefits of risk management in the context of project portfolios have been widely recognized in the literature. However, approaches that assess the risk of organizational development project portfolios from the perspective of how the portfolio delivers value to the parent organization remain largely unexplored. To address this gap, our research takes a constructivist approach and an organizational perspective on project portfolios. We conducted twenty-eight semi-structured interviews and used thematic analysis to identify and relate four themes of a comprehensive project portfolio risk assessment (PPRA) framework: «project portfolio as the organizational unit for PPRA»; «organizational capabilities as portfolio outcomes in which PPR can be assessed»; «project portfolio levels as sources of risk factors in PPRA»; and «balance between project portfolio attributes complexity». Within the framework of organizational development project portfolios, this study contributes to our understanding of PPRA by providing two propositions: (1) The capabilities to be generated by the project portfolio can be used as the portfolio primary results on which PPRA can assess the risk of the project portfolio, establishing the impact of PPR on the project portfolio value delivering to the parent organization, and (2) The risk factors that impact the project portfolio expected results can be represented into PPRA as «output-related» risk factors and «outcome-related» risk factors.


  • The impact of Project Management Offices on organizational performance: a comprehensive review of the literature
    Rahmad Syalevi, Faculty of Computer Science, Universitas Indonesia, Indonesia
    Teguh Raharjo, Faculty of Computer Science, Universitas Indonesia, Indonesia
    Wahyu Setiawan Wibowo, Faculty of Computer Science, Universitas Indonesia, Indonesia
    • In today's dynamic environment, information technology (IT) stands as the cornerstone for organizational success and competitive advantage, with project management playing a crucial role in efficiently deploying IT resources. Recognized across diverse sectors like telecommunications, aerospace, and construction, Project Management Offices (PMOs) facilitate task organization and supervision, whether it is for IT product development, service improvement, system design, or implementing organizational changes. Despite extensive research on the positive impact of PMOs on organizational performance, a significant research gap exists due to the absence of a direct comparison between the influence of PMOs on IT and non-IT industries, indicating the necessity for further investigation in this domain. This study delves into the contribution of PMOs to organizational performance using the Competing Values Framework and evaluates five models and 17 performance metrics within the IT industry and across sectors. When comparing PMO performance, non-IT sectors precede interpersonal relationships, competency-based training, and workplace environment, whereas IT sectors emphasize the knowledge of PMO resource teams, efficient training, technology utilization, and collaboration for project success. Additionally, IT industries underline the role of technology in averting project management failures and prioritizing the punctual delivery of client requirements. These differences highlight the variations in PMO priorities between these industries, underscoring the significance of PMOs in enhancing organizational performance.



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